The EduAfrica Online: Who we are?

EduAfrica Online is a legally licensed web-based academic forum with the goal of bridging the communication gap between lecturers and students outside the class room settings. We provide avenues that allows for the sharing of lecture videos, lecture notes, other reference materials and, importantly, online discussions among students, with their professors/lecturers on board leading the discussions. Unlike other online forums, EduAfrica Online focuses on making the right to education really universal. We offer, not only a perfect addition to blended learning environments, but also, we adds in one place, multiple and flexible teaching/learning tools that are best alternatives to traditionally rigid time-frame class-based education delivery models. Also, our efforts address the ever unresolved education system failure of education integration. With eduAfrica Online, learners wherever they are, are able to access and learn from multiple alternative sources of world-class lectures from the best professors and lecturers around the world at affordably cheap access fee.